Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

MG 3.6

Determine relationships between points, lines and planes in 3 dimensional shapes.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Algebra 9.0 (Test Review)

Solving systems of linear equations and inequalities

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Algebra 20.0 (simplifying radicals in the quadratic formula)

Solve quadratics using the quadratic formula.  Reduce final answer by simplifying the radical

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Algebra 9.0

Solving systems of linear equations by graphing, substitution and linear combination

Keep up with class notes on iTunes!

With all the advances in technology, it was a matter of time before class notes were going to be accessible online. We have now taken this a step further. You can subscribe to my podcast which allows you to gain access to class notes as they are submitted. Subscribing can be done a few ways:
1. You can subscribe to the podcast using iTunes. Just open iTunes and search for the podcast entitled "Coxmath." The problem with this is that you will receive the most recent episode but not the previous posts.
2. Go to and view all of the podcasts. You can then subscribe using RSS feed or iTunes. This allows you to have access to all of the episodes.

The benefit to this is twofold:
1. You can keep up to date with the work your student is doing.
2. Your student can load the examples on their iPod or Zune (if they have one) and take the notes with them.

Just the other day, I had two different students take notes that they had missed by having them view my iPod Touch. It was fast and easy and the students enjoyed the fact that they got to watch something on an iPod in class. Win, Win!